Fight for the freedom of all sex trafficking victims.

Break the cycle of exploitation and help those sold for sex, because every person should be free.

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We fight because we believe

Every person should be free

The sex industry encompasses a global system of violence, exploitation, and gender inequality that harms some of the most vulnerable in society.

The sexual exploitation industry is driven by the demand of men and necessitates a constant supply of women and children who are sold for the profit of pimps, traffickers, and other predatory stakeholders. Some are trafficked through means of force, fraud, or coercion, while others are seduced by the deceptive “empowerment" narrative in our culture, and still others are compelled to join the sex industry in order to survive. Regardless of how one enters the industry, virtually all experience the same exploitative dynamics that are systemic within it.

Life shouldn’t be this way for any person.

Together, we can break the cycle of sexual exploitation and bring freedom to the captives.

Learn about the problem
Fight for the freedom of those sold for sex.

This is a battle that cannot be won alone. It takes a movement of people. People like you and me, all of us working hand-in-hand to break the cycle, to fight for freedom, to make a lasting impact.

Together, we can write a better story and break the cycle of sexual exploitation.

Find out how you can get involved
Fight for the freedom of those sold for sex.

Get Involved

Three simple ways you can fight for freedom.

Exodus Cry exists not only to help those who are sold for sex but also to break the cycle of commercial sexual exploitation. We believe in writing a better story: a new narrative in which every person is offered real choices, empowerment, and true freedom.

Make a difference in someone’s story today.

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